Women's Health in Milwaukie OR

"Dr. Sims was very informative and professional, he talked with me rather than at me and made sure that I understood how we would proceed from my appointment. I would definitely recommend him to my friends and family."
- Andrea F.
Women have specific healthcare needs in Milwaukie OR. This is as true in the field of chiropractic as in any other. Women of all ages and lifestyles can benefit from focused chiropractic care. Dr. Sims and the staff at Eastside Spine & Injury recognize the needs of the female musculoskeletal system. We are proud to provide you with personalized care to improve comfort, maximize your physical performance, and help you experience the full quality of your life. We can see you through physical stressors such as pregnancy, assist you with proper biomechanics as you train for a physical event, aid in the recovery of an injury, and more. Many of our patients visit us for routine care aimed at protecting their joints, muscles, spine, and their general sense of wellness.
The more women have learned about the effect lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, and a healthy work-life balance, the more they are seeking chiropractic care. When you choose Eastside Spine & Injury in Milwaukie OR, you receive one on one care from an experienced chiropractor, physical therapist, or massage therapist. Whether you have a persistent health concern you want to address or you simply want to maximize health and wellness, we invite you to see what chiropractic care can do for you.
Common Women's Health Concerns in Milwaukie OR
Some of the most common women’s health concerns professionally treated include menstrual pain and pregnancy. Dr. Sims has specific experience in the gentle chiropractic treatment of pregnant women. Focused spinal care for the pregnant woman can reduce stress on various parts of the spine as the abdomen grows, improving comfort throughout pregnancy. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Sims discusses with patients ways that common discomforts may be decreased with therapeutic exercise and stretching.
Women may experience a number of concerns for which chiropractic care can be beneficial. These include:
- Chest pain
- Carpal tunnel
- Sciatica
- Pelvic floor dysfunction
- Low back pain
- Hip pain
- Pain in the tailbone
- Inhibited heart and lung function in severe cases
- And more…
Although a woman’s musculoskeletal system warrants care different from that of a man, both may experience similar complaints and injuries. Our team treats the varying needs of each patient with the highest standard of care. Whether you have been in an automobile accident, are feeling the physical stress of pregnancy, or are training for an intense athletic event, we have the therapeutic modalities designed to work with your body’s natural abilities.
Learn more about chiropractic care in your consultation at Eastside Spine & Injury. Call us today at (503) 654-7400.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Eastside Spine & Injury
4370 SE King Rd #220
Milwaukie, OR 97222